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Individual Project Rationale

    For years centuries women have been fighting for equality and just when it feels like is in reach we are always reminded that it is not. From healthcare to violence to sexism, there are things women face every day that we are told to just deal with it. There is no reason we should have to "suck it up and bear it". The issue that I would like to tackle is the gap between everyday discrepancies between men and women in everyday society and the repercussions that patriarchal society currently has on women's, especially Black women's, everyday life. I hope to use Black Popular Music to highlight the struggles of women and black women in particular using songs like "Four Women" by Nina Simone and "Don't Touch My Hair" by Solange Knowles. I will be addressing this gap by tackling the everyday issues that women face daily through song and talking about the under-representation of women and the problems that are still very prevalent. 
    As a group, I plan to use Discord, Zoom, and text to stay in contact. I hope to bring my knowledge of using social media to help with whatever we plan on doing.
    My intended audience is mostly everyone, especially men since it's to bring awareness to women. I am hoping to inform people of things they were not previously aware of. I hope to portray mostly music from black women since they are highly underrepresented and hopefully introduce people to more music by black women. I have seen personally that male friends and men that I know more times than not do not listen to music sung by women so I am hoping to bring people who are usually excluded in mainstream media to the forefront. It is always important to discuss people who are marginalized so bringing up this topic and addressing could help with the root of the problem and hopefully make everyone more aware of the day-to-day. It is important for people to understand the use of black popular music and how entwined these issues are with music. For decades since women were allowed to have a voice and sing they have been using it to sing about their struggles.
    With this project, I hope to make something like a podcast or something visual like a slideshow to portray and discuss the discrepancies between men and women in everyday life. I would hope to put some spin on it in a way that makes it different from what has been done seeing as there are podcasts already out there discussing very similar subjects. I would like to use music made by black female artists and analyze how they've used music to express their struggles as black women.
    I would hope to reach the majority of the Northeastern population with this project to bring awareness. I would use social media and my peers to help spread the final product.