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The Final Reflection/Self Evaluation

Content: 4/4  
Individual Rationale: 1/1
Presentation: 2/2
Use of Time/Effort: 4/4
Growth: 1/1

I have always been bad at technology but I feel as if I put in the extra effort and even looked at youtube tutorials to get a portfolio that was somewhat aesthetically pleasing and functioning, I think I improved my blogging skills tremendously seeing as a started at 0.
I tried to stick to a theme - relating what we learned in class to my own personal struggles, almost as a motif for how I use music as self-expression, growing and learning from my own reflections as well each lesson.

Final Reflection

    Going into this project I had my initial doubts about how well our project would turn out. After our first zoom meeting, I knew our team was gonna do well. We immediately started throwing out ideas about what we wanted to do and we all communicated really well. We had a group chat that we talked in regularly and a shared google drive folder where we collaborated together. We ended up doing exactly what we set out to do, a podcast analyzing different songs with messages pertaining to women's rights. Whenever someone had a question or concern it would be answered right away and we would hold zoom meetings when we needed to reconvene. My role, in particular, was to look at the actual messages of all the songs and how they tied into our argument for women's rights. I focused on Billie Holiday's song "You Let Me Down", I feel like the analysis of these songs gave me a lot of insight into the struggle for women's rights dating back from the 1930's all the way to now and how women are still struggling every day, especially black women but that won't prevent them from getting their message out there.
    A skill I feel like I improved upon was communication, it played such a big role in this project and it is definitely a soft skill that I will continue to use not only in my academic career but in my workplace as well. All of us in the group were taking different classes with different schedules so we had to find ways to constantly work around each other. I also learned that is okay to depend on teammates, we all had different skills that we contributed. With teammates, work flows so much easier, although we divided work up from the get-go, the project would not have come together without any of us.
    While attempting this project, some issues we ran into were what our platform was going to be to record and how we were going to get all of our thoughts and work together when we were all in separate locations. Through a little bit of trial and error and lots of discussions, we came up with a solid plan of how we would overcome our hurdles. We recorded in stages, took the lead on our individual pieces, and came together as a group with a discussion to make sure to cover all the bases we wanted to discuss. There was some editing involved to blend the pieces together and we like that we overcame our biggest obstacle.
    Overall I feel as if the hours and weeks of work we put into the project finally paid off and we can get our project out to our audience to inform and bring awareness to the persisting issue of women's rights as sang through black music.